Missing Classmates

Although we have "found" some 250 or so classmates through this website, we're still looking to find more so we can keep them up-to-date on reunions, picnics, and so they can join this site and share what they've been up to and read the profiles of other classmates.  This list includes our 1964 El Cerrito High School graduates who haven't yet logged in here.  If you know how to get in touch with any of these folks, especially if you have an e-mail address for them, please take a moment and send any information you are comfortable sharing to our class e-mail alias by clicking on this link:

El Cerrito1964@gmail.com 

Alternatively, you may directly invite any of our "missing classmates" to join this site by clicking on their name listed below and entering their e-mail address.  Doing this will send them an invitation to join the site.

Thanks for your help!

Charlene Ahola
Carolynn Antonini
John Archy
Louise Armstrong
Margaret Banchero
Roberta Becerra
Taylor Bell
Victoria Berg
Michael Berry
Robert Bierwagen
Janet Bivens
Janice Bottorff
Nicole Boynoff
Walter Broedner
Julie Brooke
Robert Brown
Janice Burger
Annette Burton
Sharon Cain
Joan Carpenter
James Carter
Robert Cassil
Susan Chambers
Clarence Chase
Virginia Chavez
Jane Ciccone
Luanna Clifton
Robert Cluff
Carolee Clyde
Paul Coambs
Mary Collins
Edith Cotton
Carolyn Cox
Cindy Crain
Margo Cryderman
Pat Cunningham
Steven Cushman
David Cussins
Jeanette D'Amico
Maple Davis
Teaubrey Davis
Maria Dos Santos E Silva
Forrest Drummond
Linda Dubois
Arthur Duran
Edward Duran
Evelyn Dyer
JoAnn Dyer
Henry Edwards
Trudy Edwards
Gregory Engelman
Carol Estes
Stephen Evans
Mark Evers
Anita Fabre
Robert Fites
Olivia Flores
Beverly Foland
Alice Francis
Richard Fuller
Emily Galenson
Ann Galloway (Cole)
Rita Galusha
Ralph Giberson
Cynthia Gilmore
Frances Glazier
Judith Good
Lucretia Grady
Robert Griffin
Susan Gross
Janice Gubser
Geoffrey Hansen
Jill Harper
Roger Harris
Bryant Hatch
Richard Haynes
Kenneth Hays
Thomas Hetherington
Jimmy Hildreth
Roger Hormel
Charles Humphreys
Camille Hunt (Rudrich)
Everett Hunter
Martha Hunter
Arthur Hurley
Marcia Ibsen
Henry Jackson
Paulette Jarrell
David Johnson
Donald Johnson
Richard Johnson
Stanley Johnson
Kandace Kahn
Gerryann Kataline
Patricia Keller
Douglas Kelley Jr.
Jan Kirschner
Robert Knight
David Korte
Susan Lair
Karen Larson
Nancy Leake
Yvonne Lee
Glenn Leone
John Levinson
Pamela Lewis
Patricia Lewis
Deborah Lim (Jower)
Linda Litsinger
Norman Lovelace
Kristine Lovette
Jeffrey Lowe
Early Lucas
David Lumia
Diane Lumsden
Michael Lund
Kathleen Luoma
Donald Lyman Jr.
Richard Maddigan
Jay Magers
James Malone
Mary Marsh
Thomas McCarthy
Kathleen McKune
Marshall Mead
Linda Meshack
Gray Miller
Sheldon Miller
Mark Millikan
Gerald Miranda
Gloria Molnar
Jacqueline Moore
William Morris
Raymond Morrison
Carol Munro
Mark Murphy
Glenn Nakazono
Shirley Nelson
Donna Nozzolillo
Isabell Oakley
Sharon Olson
Donald Orlando
Mary Ousborn
Dennis Owen
Jack Palumbo
William Pangborn
Christene Patterson
Marvin Patterson
Joanne Phillips
Peggy Poppy
Barbara Protter
Steve Quirico
Jack Radosevich
Susan Rael
Janice Reber
Sharon Richardson
Judy Robinson
Sharon Robinson
Richard Robson
Marguerita Ruijters
Wayne Sato
Diane Schaeffer
Kathleen Schmidt
Arthur Schwenk III
Billie Scott
Timothy Shaw
Terry Shepardson
Loralyn Shepherd
Jon Sherman
James Shipounoff
Linda Simpson
Cynthia Smith
Dennis Sorenson
Susan Stamps
Karen Stoneman
Jerry Stork
Gordon Streeter
Jeffrey Sullivan
Janet Sutherlin
Pearl Taylor
James Telesco
Gregory Tilles
Richard Tong
Robert Treadway
Patricia Tyler
Hiroshi Uyeda
Janie Volpe
Richard Voss Jr.
William Walker
Henry Wallace
Warren Ware
Thomas Watkins
Kathleen Way
Charles Wheeler
Deryl Wilhite
Lynn Wilkins
Vicki Winans
Edward Winkler
Charles Winters
Robert Wiseman
Maryann Wolfe
Effie Wong
Pamela Woods
Patricia Wylie
William Wyllie
Linda Yakel

Guest Members

Linda (Haskell)
David Baer