El Cerrito Senior High School
Class Of 1964
Elementary Schools
Our Elementary Schools
Click one of the school names below to jump to that school
Alvarado Castro Del Mar Fairmont Harding Kensington Madera
This area started off with my old pictures and some help from Carol Singleton but it has grown to be one of the most complete and popular areas of the website. Thanks to all of you who have contributed pictures - you know who you are and there are many of you.
Note - Most of these pictures will enlarge if you click on them
Kensington Elementary School Band - March, 1956
Kensington 1956 Christmas Image
(mostly kids headed for Madera I believe, seeing Dennis, me (John F), and Sandy at the top right)
Kensington 1957 - After the Madera kids moved to Madera School
Madera School - Mrs. Quinley's 6th Grade Class of 1958
Harding School - 1953
Harding School - 1954
Harding School 1955
Harding School - 1957
Harding School - 1958
Fairmont Kindergarten - 1952
Fairmont 1st Grade - 1953
Fairmont 2nd Grade - 1954
Fairmont 3rd Grade - 1955
Fairmont 4th Grade - 1956
Fairmont School - Spring 1955
Castro Kindergarten
Castro - 1st Grade
Castro 2nd Grade
Castro - 3rd Grade
Castro 4th Grade
Castro 5th Grade
Alvarado School - Spring 1952
Alvarado School - Spring 1954
Alvarado School - Spring 1955
Alvarado School - Spring 1955 (2nd Class)
Alvarado - Spring 1956
Alvarado - Spring 1956
Alvarado - Spring 1958
Alvarado - Spring 1958
Del Mar 6th Grade - 1957-58
The other Del Mar 6th Grade - 1957-58
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